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As a small and medium size hotel business owner your business has to often compete with well-established hotels that have better technology, a bigger workforce, and deeper pockets. Even if these big hotel brands have money to spend on expensive, complex, and complicated technologies, small and medium businesses can still invest in low cost hotel management software to run their business more efficiently.

Finding the right software to run your business operations like check-ins and check-out, tracking room services and payments, maintaining booking data, generating bills, etc. is a big key to your hotel’s efficiency and success. But most low cost hotel management software fails to provide some of these features.

Simple Google Drive apps can be integrated and customized as hotel management software for your hotel management needs.

In this blog, we’ll discuss how Ezyhotel’s low-cost hotel management software can fulfill all your business needs. But before that, let’s see some general expectations from any hotel management software available in the market.

Table Of Contents
1. General expectation from a hotel management software
1.1 Managing customer data
1.2 Simple UI
1.3 Easily customizable
1.4 Cloud based
1.5 Easy Access
2. Ezyhotel’s low cost hotel management software
2.1 Mobile Friendly
2.2 Low Cost
2.3 Google drive integration
2.4 Room booking
2.5 Billing & Payments
2.6 Tracking check ins and check outs
2.7 Room Service
2.8 Dynamic Reports
2.9 After sales support
3. Conclusion

General expectation from a hotel management software

Managing customer data

All of the customer data should be maintained and recorded securely. Because of this your hotel management software should have an efficient customer data function. It should provide you with all the customer detail, the dates customers stayed at the hotel, information about room occupancy, etc.

Simple UI

Your team may get discouraged when they have to enter booking data in complex form. They may not be comfortable with using software that is difficult to understand and use. Therefore your software should have a simple UI that can be customized as per your requirement.

Easily customizable

Customization is an important feature of hotel management software. But very few softwares are capable of it. Customizing the software as per your requirement and making it user friendly can help your employees to easily adapt and quickly understand the system.

Cloud based

You and your team can access your customer’s data from anywhere and at any time when it is stored on the cloud. Cloud storage also provides an extra layer of security in terms of backup.

Easy Access

You may not be in the hotel to check the progress of how your business is running. You may want to check any report or data of any customer quickly. For this, your hotel management software should be easily accessed from outside of the office, on mobile devices.

Ezyhotel’s low cost hotel management software

Now we know what are some general expectations from a hotel management software. Let us now understand how Ezyhotel’s low-cost hotel management software can help your hotel business.

Mobile Friendly

hotel management software in india - check in/out module

Your hotel staff shouldn’t have to rush back to the office just to check the details of the booking. The system you use should be optimized for mobile and accessible from anywhere. You should be able to check the performance of your hotel even if you are on holiday.

Low Cost

Most of the hotel management software available in the market for small or medium hotels cost anywhere between Rs.2500 or $50 per month to Rs.8000 to $250 per month. Because of such a high cost of software most business owner hesitate to invest in one. Also the basic version of these softwares may not provide all the functions and services.

Ezyhotel’s hotel management software solves all these issues by cutting the cost of the software by almost 50% and at the same time providing all the functionality and services that are necessary.

Ezyhotel’s software cost as low as Rs. 900 per month.

Google drive integration

As we saw above, hotel management software must always be cloud-based. Ezyhotel is integrated with your google drive. Google drive provides the cloud storage that is required to store all your customer’s data. And as google drive is free for up to 15 GB, there is no storage cost added to any of Ezyhotel software.

Room booking

hotel management software in india - booking dashboard module

You can easily see the status of the room and its availability using Ezyhotel HMS. This function avoids double booking and allows room reservations. On the dashboard, you can see all the details of current, past, and upcoming bookings. You can see the room details and images in the details section.

Billing & Payments

You may recieve payments from your customers frequently during their stay in the hotel. All of these payments must be properly recorded in the software and the total payment amount should be deducted from the final bill.

When your guest checks out, you should be able to quickly enter the check-out details and generate a bill. The system should automatically generate a bill using guests expense and payment details. Ezyhotel also provides the option to customize the bill as per your format.

Tracking check ins and check outs

Tracking check ins and outs is an important feature of any HMS. Ezyhotel’s software provides this function in the easiest and most customizable way. The system syncs automatically and keeps all the check-in/outs and occupancy details updated using simple online forms.

Room Service

Your hotel may provide room service like breakfast, lunch, drinks, etc. to your customers. A record of all the services must be maintained and included in the final bill. The system should also calculate all the taxes and discounts provided.

Dynamic Reports

All the data from the system is used to generate report which can be used to measure your hotel performance. These reports also provide you with deeper insights into your revenue generation and other financial information.

After sales support

Unlike other hotel management software providers who only provide instant support to their premium high-paying customers, Ezyhotel treats all its users equally and provides after-sales support to every user. You just have to send an email explaining your issue and it’ll be solved within 24 hrs.


Ezyhotel’s hotel management software built in google drive connects your check-in/check-out process, room service tracking, and payment and billing process to a centralized booking dashboard.

The software can be completely customized as per your requirement. All your customer data is secured and saved within your google drive and is never shared with any third party. And even if you stop using the software (which we know you won’t) all your customer data remains with you.

This makes Ezyhotel’s hotel management software the best low-cost software available online.

If you are still not sure, you can try a free trial or schedule an online demo and then decide if you would like to continue.

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Install simple hotel management software in your google drive

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